Tom Wallis, Principal, St Patrick’s School, Christchurch

The new ERO Evaluation Indicators fit well with the work we are doing with Interlead. ERO’s evaluation, inquiry and knowledge building for improvement and innovation are all key stones that we see Interlead providing and this is helping our staff grow their pedagogy and professional inquiry.… Read the rest

Tom Wallis, Principal, St Patrick’s School, Christchurch

The Interlead Connector Student Voice Surveys are a powerful tool for the teacher. The data and feedback for staff is excellent and helps them to identify trends in their practice that may otherwise go unnoticed. It is also empowering for the students and with guidance they understand how important their voice is for the good of the whole classroom environment.… Read the rest

Robyn Woollett, Blockhouse Bay Baptist Kindergarten, Auckland

Our kindergarten has been using InterLEAD Connector for three years and we have found it to be an excellent tool for creating a culture within our teaching team where we are continually improving our teaching practice. A recent ERO report commented on the journal aspect of the programme and how  valuable this was in  encouraging  teachers to individually review their… Read the rest

Phil Palfrey, Principal Manurewa East School, Auckland

InterLEAD Connector is an intelligent system. What I particularly appreciate is how it goes beyond being a storage system for teachers to challenging them. It’s easy to use, is visibly strengthening teaching as inquiry, is supporting teachers to develop greater insight into their teaching practice and they are making better choices and decisions.  We can see how in the not… Read the rest

Matt Simeon, Principal, Pillans Point School, Tauranga

And when a strategic approach is used to implement InterLEAD Connector™ with adult learning systems like ‘4 Minute Walk Throughs’ this can happen… Hi Tony, Just thought I would write to share the success we are having with the Connector – both the professional practice journal side and undertaking 4 Minute Walk Throughs. After your last couple of workshops I… Read the rest

Dr Angela Sharples, Deputy Principal, Rotorua Lakes High School

The introduction of InterLEAD Connector™ at Rotorua Lakes High School has ensured that appraisal is no longer a tick box completed at the end of the year but is an integral part of our development of a dialogue driven, reflective school. The process provides rich data which teachers can use as the basis of reflective dialogue with their appraiser and… Read the rest

Martin Elms, Principal, St. Patrick’s School, Paraparaumu

For many years I have been wanting to develop an appraisal system that moves from a compliance focused model whereteachers can feel ‘done to,’ to one that appreciates and builds on the professionalism of teachers as adult learners who want to be the best teachers they can be. A model that teachers are willing to own and use to their… Read the rest

Tim Van Zyl, Principal, Te Awa School

InterLEAD Connector™ has been a very powerful tool in enabling me as the principal to gain a quick and insightful overview of where my staff are not only as classroom practitioners but also as professionals at the push of a button. The most powerful tool has been the “Areas to Develop” where as a whole staff we were able to… Read the rest

Craig Perkins, Roncalli College

We have found the lnterLEAD online appraisal tool to be a game changer here at RoncaIIi College. It helped change the appraisal process from a low trust model to a high -the professional conversations and resulting reflection has created a shift in team culture. With the inclusion of the journal and Principal portal, it has become our one stop appraisal… Read the rest